Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How To Make A Slide Garage Fence

Here you are my love!

on 2 July 2006, this is a fortnight since I am hospitalized Jacques Cartier. The pediatric cardiologist gives me an ultrasound every other day to tell me that it is still critical but that each day spent inside my stomach it saves a few grams which will be vital.
My morale is down.
I'm in maternity, babies crying, mothers spend with bits in their arms and I'm terrified of the future ... I know that I take Louis immediately after birth and than I'll never close to me in this room. "not to think that I'll never ..."
My husband is amazing and I'm holdin him not to sink. If I had to rely on the medical staff to help me I am finished drowned in an infusion of Atarax (this is an anxiolytic).
The July 2, 2006, the decision must be taken out Louis. But the obstetrician rather try vaginal delivery rather than cesarean. The outbreak begins, the contractions ... But my neck is locked, impossible to open. I spent two days in contract, monitoring, prostaglandin gel, examination of the cervix, contractions .... but nothing, my neck remains intact. Louis did not want to leave ...
The July 4, 2006, after xth prostaglandin gel and contractions become dangerous for me, I was down the block for caesarean section. "you will go there soon my love ..."
Caesarean section starts, I'm good, I have no pain anywhere and I'm talking to Louis. "My heart is the big day I've heard so much .. I love you, I'm not afraid my love is waiting for you and your dad too resuscitation to welcome you. .. "It is 16:15, and I hear a little cry behind the operative field: my LOUIS!!
I see him disappear into the arms of a midwife, I see lots of people around him on the treatment table and a childcare assistant who at his side beckons me he's okay. I hear someone who says "3kg290, 50cm is quite a month ahead!"
The next moment remains one of the most beautiful of my life: the midwife approached me with Louis and asked about my face. His eyes were wide open and I gazed into hers ... Just seconds before the pediatric cardiologist will beat the recall and he left in ICU.


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