Friday, September 18, 2009

Free Spectral Tiger 2010

New Lia

You remember I told you that Lia was supposed to have surgery Sept. 22 to one-way valve and a button for his gastro-gastric stoma to be stuffed with a belly button.
Well Wednesday night they came to see me and told me that the transaction would be the next day! Ouffff! What a surprise! So on Thursday my casserole
entered the operating room at 10:00 am. An operation that lasted about 3h00. Finally at 12:30 they came to see us to say that everything went well and Lia was leaving the recovery room. She remained there three hours! I can tell you that I, were distraught at the end!
So we came up with the pot to her room around 15:30 on the first floor surgery. She desaturation a few times when she opened her eyes. I was pretty worried. I spent the night with her in the hospital. She slept a lot during the night but needed oxygen a few times.
Today she still slept much and when she woke up she became nauseated and went out a lot of secretions from his throat. It must be said that for more than 24 hours they have put him a tube to empty his stomach of all secretions.
Tonight they took away the tube ..... and for the first time my daughter has no tube in the nose!

Here are photos:


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