Friday, March 4, 2011

Brown Hair With Blonde Highlights Images

Hello girls

Before Christmas I had a sudden urge to remake a little fimo! pregnancy tiring me much, I had not had the courage to tackle it and then the idea of leaving my home for Christmas and come back to me after the birth of restoring Courage!

So I made a blue flower cane:
And a matching cane Klimt:

Very nice to realize and not very complicated. the tutorial HERE

With the leftover dough I made a marbled, a cane and hop klimt zou I made pendants. Yep still my heart, my round ... I do not change it's always fun to do!

The beads are not yet varnish and / or Resin, I would do later. So to finish the necklace is the same as photo later!
And this is the first time I make a large flower like this one:

Hugs to all xxx


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crest Whitestrips Receding Gums

Back before Christmas!


It's been a long time since I last posted and for good reason, I have a small chip since early January!

I did some stuff before Christmas and since then I went home early in February

I prepare some posts to show you my creation and as a tutorial ... Hugs to all

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mac Pokemon Vba Pokemon Trade

Mama Bee .... bzzz

Often there are things that we want to do but that are placed side that is handed to the next. Why? Due to time? Because the days go faster? There is always a new event occurs that is placed first? Time passes and it continues to trot us in the head. We are disappointed with us, you feel guilty and you begin to feel ashamed for not having done it before.

Today, I take a break and I take the time !

much I wanted to thank Mom for the big box Bee received ( weeks ago oops. .. ) for our beautiful Sarah Kym. What generosity this charming Guylaine!

Sarah Kym loved the pillow / book and crayons and coloring book for the bath. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you beautiful friend. This can wait for Petite Abeille China ends soon. I send you big hugs.